Introducing: BookRoar Readers

3 min readDec 21, 2021


BookRoar is a free-to-use service that helps authors get reviews for their books on Amazon and Goodreads. It works on a Credit-based system, where authors earn Credits by reading books, and in turn their books are offered out for review. It’s all about authors helping authors, and that’s why we love it.

But did you know that you don’t need to be an author to use BookRoar? That’s right: we welcome readers too. Introducing BookRoar Readers, a programme for those who love to read and support the work of indie and small-press authors.

How does it work?

BookRoar Readers works in exactly the same way as BookRoar, in that anybody can select their next book from Review Pool and then post a review to Amazon and Goodreads, before then posting it to BookRoar. The only difference is that the Credits built up will remain in your account, rather than being assigned to a book to be entered back into the Review Pool.

Our promotional video explains the process from start to finish.

Who can sign up?

Well, anybody really. We want all sorts of people to become BookRoar Readers. This includes book bloggers, book reviewers, hobbyists, family, friends, and just about anyone who loves books. The only requirement is that you enjoy the fantastic works written by indie authors and that you have Amazon and Goodreads accounts which are eligible to post reviews. You are also free to post your reviews anywhere else you like, such as personal blogs, BookBub or other sites.

Not sure what to write? Check out the Review Tips section on BookRoar for inspiration. You can be as thorough as you like in your reviews, but please ensure they meet the minimum word count of 150 words.

I’m an indie book reviewer? Why would I sign up?

Good question. Well, there are a few great reasons to choose books through BookRoar.

Firstly, you are helping authors from all walks of life develop their careers. You are offering them vital pointers to improve their craft, an extra boost in publicity, and those all important golden stars which every author is always chasing. It may sound like a cliche, but helping others can be a very rewarding experience.

Secondly, have you ever offered to read and review books through a blog post or on social media? If you have then you’ll know you get bombarded with emails from all sorts of people and that the read requests never stop (like, never — that email address is forever going to be sent all sorts of stuff). BookRoar allows you to choose a book at your own pace and without the hassle of having to turn people down. Plus, if a book is not to your liking, you can return it to the pool with no questions asked.

Lastly (and most importantly), you will find some real gems on BookRoar that you may not have come across elsewhere. There are authors in all genres who show real talent and certainly have promising careers ahead of them. By using BookRoar, you can get ahead of everyone else, and experience the thrill of finding a future bestselling author before anyone else does.

If you do plan on becoming a BookRoar Reader, then we would suggest subscribing to Kindle Unlimited if you haven’t already. This way you can get the majority of books on BookRoar for a set fee. We do hope to add a rewards system in the future for our readers, and any reviews posted before will factor into any rewards given.

So if you or anybody you know is a book lover and would be perfect for the BookRoar Readers programme, then please point them towards this article and to We would love to have even more people sign up so we can continue to help authors along their writing journey.

The BookRoar Team

